Amerika legkapzsibb bűnözői / Kevin Trudeau's secrets / Remington steal

American Greed / Kevin Trudeau's secrets / Remington steal
14 éven alul nem ajánlott amerikai dokumentumfilm sorozat, 60 perc


2 szavazatból


2 szavazatból
8:00, szombat (március 08.)

11:00, szombat (március 08.)

17:00, szombat (március 08.)

Az aktuális rész ismertetője: Kevin Trudeau's Secrets" Infomercial kingpin Kevin Trudeau is making hundreds of millions selling baldness cures, weight loss programs, get-rich schemes and whatever else he can think of on late night television. But when the FTC cries foul and fines him $37.6 million, Trudeau makes his most brazen pitch yet-claiming he's completely broke. For years, he'll play a cat and mouse game with the government, all the while flaunting his wealth, fleecing his legions of supporters—and trying to stay out of prison. "Remington Steal" Andrew Bogdanoff says his Philadelphia-based company Remington Financial Group is securing loans and making dreams come true for hundreds of small business people across the country. All he needs is an upfront, non-refundable down payment to close the deal. With offices scattered across the country, a twenty-year history, and billions of dollars supposedly secured, the deal sounds like a dream. But it's really a nightmare that might have gone on forever if two victims didn't decide to fight back.

A műsor ismertetése: Troy Titus pénzügyi gurunak adta ki magát, aki gazdagságot ígért ügyfeleinek. Valójában azonban egy piramisjátékkal csalta ki a pénzüket. Miért volt ellenállhatatlan?
Stephen Trantel férj, apa - és bankrabló. Brókerként sok százezer dollárt keresett, de miután elvesztette az állását, kétségbeesésében bűnözőnek állt.



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