Téma: Alkonyat

ementáli20 2009 júl. 09. - 16:31:17 10/10
itt tisztára úgy néz ki mint valami ügynök :D:D
ementáli20 2009 júl. 09. - 16:30:28 10/10
tüncibogár ^^
ementáli20 2009 júl. 09. - 16:29:40 10/10
szomi cukkancs ^^
ementáli20 2009 júl. 09. - 16:29:05 10/10
ementáli20 2009 júl. 09. - 16:28:31 10/10
csücsöri :)
ementáli20 2009 júl. 09. - 16:26:07 10/10
ÚÚÚÚÚJ....képekjönnek :P :D:D:D

(amint lementettem õket XD)
ementáli20 2009 júl. 09. - 16:21:27 10/10
egy kis "újdonság".....mivel unatkozok :PXD

R-Pattz Feeling the Stress of Being in the Spotlight

Poor Robert Pattinson. Along with the great misfortune of being blessed with an extremely handsome face comes the great burden of dealing with utterly — and perhaps overly — devoted fans.

When R-Pattz first arrived in NYC in early June to start filming Remember Me, he planned to work hard at his craft by day and then seamlessly slink into the city’s nightlife without hassle. But low-key Rob didn’t count on his skyrocketing superstar status, followed at every turn by both fans and photographers. Insiders say the mounting pressures of fame are taking their toll on the sensitive screen vampire.

“It’s crazytown,” a source on the set tells OK!. “There are all these girls with a lot of hormones and a lot of time on their hands.”

Some of them leave their phone numbers on Rob’s car and trailer, like one that read, “I think we’re meant to be together. Call me.”

Still, the polite Brit is trying to be gracious to his fans.

“Rob’s a nice guy — he doesn’t want to disappoint people,” the security detailer says. “He stops to say hello when he can, but he just can’t do it a lot. People bring him gifts, but we can’t take them — we don’t know where they’ve come from.”

In a move to shield their leading man from the cameras and curiosity seekers, the Remember Me crew has stuck Rob in a box, constructing a 7-foot-high enclosure from material screens, where the actor retreats between takes. Not that the fan frenzy dies down when the day’s filming is done.

“I worked on Gossip Girl with guys like Penn Badgely,” says the on-set source. “We’d go out after work and play beer pong. Nobody would bother them. There’s no way Rob can do that. He’d be mobbed.”

Perhaps those who envy his devastating good looks and fame might heed this insider’s five simple — and sad — words to OK!: “I feel bad for him.”
Andee34 2009 júl. 09. - 15:56:46 10/10
Kössz! Megpróbálok pár linket betenni.

ementáli20 2009 júl. 09. - 15:51:49 10/10
link formában nemtudom...ugy elvileg a linket be kéne tennie...
de próbáld meg úgy, hogy a képet kicsit lekicsinyíted vagy körbevágod...úgy be fogja tenni :)
Andee34 2009 júl. 09. - 15:51:08 10/10
Most teszek egy képet Robról. Remélem tetszik?
ementáli20 2009 júl. 09. - 15:48:43 10/10
ja és Spunk meg Kanga!
grat nektek, hogy tartottátok a frontot az éjszakai mûszakban a baglyok helyett :D:D:D
ügyik voltatok ;) :D
Andee34 2009 júl. 09. - 15:47:30 10/10
Nem értem, hogy ha link formájában teszem be a képet, miért nem jeleníti meg?
ementáli20 2009 júl. 09. - 15:42:58 10/10
tegnap éjjel elment a net :( :@ azért nemtudtam baglyozni :(
de látom mostmeg nincs senki...ugyhogy majd visszatérek ha lesz forgalom :P:D
addig pás
Miaa 2009 júl. 09. - 15:25:08 10/10
Azt hiszem az én idõm is lejárt.
Kanga jó szórakozást! Mit nézel?
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