Téma: Dr. Csont

BB. 2011 máj. 21. - 16:14:28 10/10
ok, köszi :DDDDDDD
csikrisz 2011 máj. 21. - 16:13:22 10/10
Hogy az a szörny ki valójában én sem tudom, de a lényeg, hogy az egész dolog (hogy booth az apa) az volt egy álom és hogy Brent a szörny termékenyítette meg, és egy Alien-szerû, bizarr gyereke születik majd.
BB. 2011 máj. 21. - 16:11:19 10/10
azt nem egészen értem, milyen füst szörny? nem néztem lost-ot
csikrisz 2011 máj. 21. - 16:09:00 10/10
Ahová tettem sok vigyorgó pofit, azt még olvasd el!
BB. 2011 máj. 21. - 16:08:17 10/10
ezt most nincs kedvem végig olvasni, túl hosszú :D de az elején, hogy soha nem hazudna?! :)
csikrisz 2011 máj. 21. - 16:04:51 10/10
De hosszú, elnézést hogy megnyújtottam az oldalt.:(
csikrisz 2011 máj. 21. - 16:04:14 10/10
"ilyen hálivúdi maszlagokat"
mint pl.. :DDD
csikrisz 2011 máj. 21. - 16:03:06 10/10
Ezer bocs, ha ezt már beraktátok, esetleg magyarul is, de én csak beteszem, annyira tetszik.
Interjú Stephen Nathan-nal (executive producer):

Congratulations on having a happy, controversial season finale! You did what you said you would!
Stephen Nathan: Yes, of course! I never lie!

That will make this interview nice and painless. So can we safely say 100% that Booth and Brennan had sex and that is how this baby was conceived?
SN: [Joking] Oh God no, this is a dream sequence. We’re going into a whole science fiction thing. She was impregnated by the smoke monster [from LOST] and it’s going to be a very bizarre baby. (:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD)

This honesty thing is going spectacularly so far.
SN: [Laughs] Yes, it’s no dream, it’s no alternate reality, this actually happened.

And it was by them having sex and not by artificial insemination?
SN: No, this is…what you see is what you get.

So then should fans assume that the first time they slept together was in “The Hole in the Heart”?
SN: That’s what I’m assuming.

I’d assume you’d know…
SN: Well, I’m just saying that’s what I’m assuming. Somebody asked me last night what happened and I can only tell you my opinion about what happened between the two of them, from what I saw of them as well. I think all the viewers should be making up their own minds on exactly what the history was.

Which brings up an important question: how much of their relationship have we missed? Have they been a couple since they slept together?
SN: I don’t think we’ve missed anything, really. I think we saw Brennan go to Booth in that penultimate episode and obviously something happened and she became pregnant. I’m not exactly sure how that works, I’ve got to ask my dad. [Laughs]

Good luck with that conversation. How would Booth and Brennan define their relationship right now, aside from being parents?
SN: Booth and Brennan have always had a relationship for six years. They’ve spent more time with each other than anybody else. And that becomes the primary relationship. Whatever it’s called, whatever the outside world says it is, that has become…they’re the closest to each other as they are to anybody else. And that’s now codified because of this baby. So the two of them have to figure out a way with all of their differences — without compromising their characters, keeping the same characteristics they’ve always had — how do they now form a life together around this upcoming baby?

And they are committed to forming a life together versus forming a life as co-parents?
SN: They are at this point committed — because they are both good and decent people — to forming a life around this baby. How that manifests itself in terms of them being a couple is something that will be explored in season seven. I mean, you have Brennan who is not the marrying kind and Booth who is the marrying kind. That creates conflict. We don’t want to lose any of the conflict that the two of them have. We don’t want them all lovey-dovey and sharing dessert or things like that. We still want the same conflicts and things that exist all the time.

So even though they’ve slept together, there still is the aspect of the will-they-won’t-they relationship because we don’t know if they’ll be in a relationship together?
SN: They definitely have a relationship together. What that is, what people say it is, how others define that relationship, that’s up to each individual viewer and up to how they view the show next season and how the show evolves next season. And that relationship will definitely evolve next season.

Right. Are we going to see how this plays out for Booth given that this is now the second relationship where he’s gotten a woman pregnant who doesn’t want to marry him?
SN: Absolutely, we’ll see how this plays out for both of them.

And will that specific issue be addressed for Booth?
SN: Yeah, I imagine it will. We haven’t gotten incredibly specific about all the episodes of next season, but we know where we’re going. We know where the trajectory is.

I know BONES creator Hart Hanson has said he pitched 8 ideas to the network and studio for next season. Does this mean you guys have landed on one?
SN: That was totally different. Those options were how we would be handling things — juggling two shows [BONES and THE FINDER], Emily [Deschanel (Brennan)]‘s pregnancy. None of that had anything to do with how BONES unfolds as a story. That was more political. [Joking] Because Hart’s also running Obama’s reelection campaign. So he gets all that stuff mixed up.

Clearly if he’s doing all that, he doesn’t have time to sleep.
SN: [Joking] He runs all of the Canadian political campaigns as well as the America [ones]…dual citizenship is a lot of responsibility. And running two shows now? He’s a remarkable human being.

Speaking of Canada, were you guys disappointed that some fans found out about the pregnancy twist before it aired here because the Canadians got the finale a day early?
SN: Not really. I know that that’s the case online, that a lot of fans found out before, but we have essentially in America, between 10 and 11 million people watch this show. I’ll bet you, tops, 25,000 people out of all of that — and I’m being generous — found out about the end. I think most people were helping their kids with their homework, making dinner and not checking the internet for it. I really don’t think that’s the case. And as I wrote on Twitter just to try and placate people, each country gets their own ending anyway, so it’s different for everyone.

Yeah, I had a friend contact me for reassurance to make sure you were actually kidding with that tweet.
SN: Everybody was going crazy [over that tweet]. “That’s not true! How DARE you say that! He’s lying again like he always lies!” Apparently I’m a horrendous human being. I’m a liar. It is my mission to a lot of these people to make their lives miserable [as far as they are concerned]. And I’m a very lovely man. And I just want everyone to be happy. If I could share my cake with them, I would.

Fair enough. Earlier in the season, Booth and Brennan wrote down the dates they felt they’d be ready for a relationship and burned the papers. Has that date passed or is that issue a moot point now?
SN: Well, I think events have occurred that might make that paper unimportant.

That’s what I figured, but good to have confirmation. Are we going to be jumping forward in time significantly next season given how far along Emily is in her pregnancy?
SN: There are a few months between the end of this season and the beginning of next season. Emily being pregnant, she’s probably going to be showing a little bit more than she is now. There’s a realistic time jump and we’re still working out how we’re going to deal with that.

Given the leap forward, does that mean we won’t see the rest of Booth’s reaction to the pregnancy news or how Angela, Sweets, etc. react when they find out?
SN: Everybody’s going to know. When we come back, people will know [about the pregnancy]. People will know.

I know a lot of people are saying we should have seen this [conception] happen. I’m thinking if you really want to see that happen, there are many, many websites that you can go to that your parents disapprove of, where you can watch and see how that happens. I don’t think it’s really necessary. We know.

Was there any concern that people have invested six seasons in this relationship and this couple, but this very important detail of their relationship was kept hidden from the audience until she said she was pregnant in the season finale?
SN: No. No concern at all. We didn’t care. We didn’t feel it was necessary and we still don’t feel it was necessary. The most important thing happened — you saw in the penultimate episode, Booth and Brennan, as loving a moment between two people as you could possibly see. And the next episode, you saw the result of that moment. And if people want more than that, honestly, you need to go find a [makes cliche porn soundtrack noise and laughs].

It’s a shame that audio can’t be placed in the post because that noise you just made was hilarious. Before I let you go, since we just saw Hodgins and Angela dealing with a pregnancy, will we have a full season of Brennan’s pregnancy and will it be an easier pregnancy, heath-wise, than what we saw this season?
SN: It is not our intent at this point to recreate the Hodgins and Angela pregnancy. That was their pregnancy, this is going to be Booth and Brennan’s pregnancy, totally unique.

And when the baby is being born is also not going to be done in the same way. We have a plan for that and I will divulge that plan on the television machine.
zora 2011 máj. 21. - 16:02:06 10/10
Amúgy szerintem is csak zavarában tette hozzá. Ne feledjük, nem néz tévét, ilyen hálivúdi maszlagokat, ezért nem tudja, hogyan kell bejelenteni az ilyesmit... Ha belegondolok, tök ari volt...
zora 2011 máj. 21. - 15:59:40 10/10
Igen, de ha inkább azt tette volna hozzá: - Négy hetes. - mert Brennan szereti a tényeket és a számokat -, akkor Booth is van annyira jó matekos, hogy egy gyors fejszámolás után elvigyorodjon. És az ugyanúgy egyértelmû lett volna nekünk! :-)
csikrisz 2011 máj. 21. - 15:54:11 10/10
Ezt szerintem túlkomplikáljátok. Én biztos vagyok benn, hogy csak azért írták bele, hogy nekünk, nézõknek egyértelmû legyen. Mert ha nem mondta volna, már látom, hogy ezerrel mennének a találgatások, hogy "Mi van, ha nem õ az apa, te jó ég!" Szerintem ennyi és kész.
Tia. 2011 máj. 21. - 15:42:26
Tényleg, vajon miért tette hozzá Bones a bejelentésnél, hogy "Te vagy az apa"?
Ha Vincent halála óta "együtt vannak", ez nem egyértelmû?
Vagy csak zavarában tette hozzá?
csikrisz 2011 máj. 21. - 15:32:47 10/10
De jó, köszi! <3

Annyira várom már TheLovelyBones videóját! Õ csinálja a legjobbakat róluk! Fox fórumán is alig várják. Amint elkészíti linkelem!
csikrisz 2011 máj. 21. - 15:28:56 10/10
Hahaha!! :DDDDD
Azon szakadnék!!!!!!!! :)
pluhildi 2011 máj. 21. - 14:39:16 10/10
pluhildi 2011 máj. 21. - 14:29:51 10/10
most én hoztam egy videot igaz nem illik az évadzáróhoz, de nagyon jól összerakott, ügyesen összevágta a készítõ, bár sajnos a nem angolosoknak nem fog átjönni, de a szöveghez illesztették a képkockákat, ettõl függetlenül jó a dal is (James Blunt goodbye my lover)

zora 2011 máj. 21. - 14:28:33 10/10
Ez nekem úgy 2naponta eszembe jut. A tegnapi már megvolt, ma megint hiszek nekik, de holnap aztán megint jön egy ilyen fázis... :-/
gopher 2011 máj. 21. - 14:21:42 10/10
Ez tetszik! Ez Bones-ra vallana. Nem teketóriázik, hiszen ez _így logikus nem?_ Vízuális típusok elképzelhetik Booth arcát, amint megkérik a kezét. Némileg rontana a férfiúi önbecsülésén, de talaálna valami okot, hogy helyreállítsa.
zora 2011 máj. 21. - 14:18:59 10/10
Ez nekem is ma jutott eszembe, hogy nagyon elfelejtettük a "munkatárssal nem!"-dolgot. Persze, mindenkinek egyértelmû, amikor majd kiderül a terhesség, hogy ki az apa - de nem hiszem, hogy hazugságvizsgálat alá vetnék õket. Amúgy megfigyeltétek? A kávézóban, Max kérdésére Tempe Angie terhességével ütötte el a dolgot. Ez nem számít hazugságnak? Igaz, nem tudom, pontosan mit kérdezett.
Mert ha Booth anyagát használja fel - tuti, hogy nem! - az ellen Sweetsnek nem volt kifogása. Akkor végülis most mi lenne?
Lánykérés: Booth-nak csak rossz emlékei vannak a lánykéréseirõl. Brennél nem lépi meg, fõleg, hogy tudja a véleményét a házasságról. Ha Tempe véleménye errrõl valaha is megváltozik, valamint tényleg a nepáli matriarchális társadalmi rendszer áll hozzá közel, akkor figyeljétek meg, oda fogunk eljutni, hogy õ maga fogja megkérni Booth kezét! :-)
zora 2011 máj. 21. - 13:53:17 10/10 Előzmény pluhildi
Sajnos, ha kiszámolod, most május vége van és szept. végéig mindenképpen megvan az a 4 hónap...