sarahangel 2008 júl. 08. - 13:32:47 10/10
Sarah interjú

!!! PB 4. évados überspoiler lehet !!!

How were the negotiations to get you back in the show?
Everything took place very quickly. It was obviously difficult considering what happened to Sara in season 3. For me, "PB" was history and, a few months after giving birth, I had given up hearing any more. I had just landed a role in a new pilot when Matt Olmstead, one of the producers of the series, called me to propose to me that I come back to the show…

And how did you react?
As you can imagine, I almost fell backwards. In all honesty, I never imagined that this would happen…… Nevertheless, I did not give my answer right away. I really weighed the pros and cons of returning to the series. I wanted to be sure of making the right choice.

What prompted your decision to return?
In fact, I have decided to return primarily due to the loyalty of the fans of the show because it is thanks to them that the producers have decided to use me again. After my departure, they were inundated with letters from fans asking why they killed the character of Sara. Her sudden disappearance has remained an issue with the fans. Of course, I had my share of responsibility in this because at that time, I'm the one who had chosen not to return. I had no idea that it would be due to the protests of the fans that I would be asked to return. At the time, acting in "PB" was no longer my priority. But when this opportunity presented itself for me to return, I said that I absolutely had to seize it to please all fans…

You have therefore agreed to return without knowing many details about the circumstances in which Sara would make her return?
In fact I did not know precisely what the writers were going to invent to bring Sara to life. I have full confidence in them even though I suspected it did not involve the supernatural [laughs]. They had also guaranteed me that Sara would not come back in stages or flashback. This would really have caused damage to not continue the love story between Mike and Sara. It is not just the fans who want to know how all this will end! I also wish to know how the story will end! [Laughs]

How was your reunion with Wentworth Miller?
You know, we stayed in contact following my departure from the series and it was as if we did not see each other for more than 6 months. Wentworth was as surprised as me when he learned of my return. When we got together again on the set of the show, we both had trouble believing. I'm really happy to rejoin all my colleagues again because, in truth, they began to miss me a lot…

JLOK alias Susan said she was very eager to shoot a scene with you. It is also true in your case?
Yes because, in season 3 on television, I found she was doing a great job. In fact in season 4. I hope I will have the opportunity to work with women, because I have mainly worked with men since my debut in the show.

In what state will we find Sara at the beginning of season 4?
After all the trauma she suffered in a few months, Sara will find itself in an extremely fragile psychological state. Sara is one of the few characters to have not been involved in any crime before she met Mike. In this season, she will face the consequences of her choice.

And concerning his relationship with Mike?
One thing is sure: do not expect that Mike and Sara will fall into each others arms during their reunion. It will take time to rebuild their relationship and he was not told the full story completely…

You have a daughter now aged one year. Do you take it with you on the set?
From time to time, but it is not necessary because this year we turn to Los Angeles, where i live. This element has weighed heavily in my choice to come back. If the season had been shot in Texas, several thousands of kilometres from home, as was the case in previous years, I would have probably more reluctant. Therefore, all conditions have been met for this year which is very pleasing.
sarahangel 2008 júl. 08. - 13:01:37 10/10
SPOILER kép lehet
sarahangel 2008 júl. 08. - 12:42:14 10/10

Ez érdekes, hogy mindenki másképp értelmezi ezt a szót! :)

A kiötlõjét kéne megkérdezni. ;)
bree-gee 2008 júl. 08. - 12:37:55
Hmm. Hát, nekem is van egy meghatározásom rá.Speciel nekem mindig egy kisgyerek jut eszembe róla, aki a szemeit törölgeti, és mindjárt sírni fog --> szerintem ez a picsogás.:)
sarahangel 2008 júl. 08. - 12:34:47 10/10
Miért, nem szereted ezt a szót? :)
bree-gee 2008 júl. 08. - 12:33:18 Előzmény sarahangel
Kellett neked erre felhívni a figyelmet!:DD
sarahangel 2008 júl. 08. - 12:31:48 10/10
sarahangel 2008 júl. 08. - 12:29:48 10/10
sarahangel 2008 júl. 08. - 12:27:57 10/10
sarahangel 2008 júl. 07. - 19:17:12 10/10
Meg ez is megmaradt. :O :D
sarahangel 2008 júl. 07. - 19:16:17 10/10
Ez meg nem lett kicenzúrázva. :O
sarahangel 2008 júl. 07. - 18:37:42 10/10
100. hsz.


sarahangel 2008 júl. 07. - 18:36:27 10/10
sarahangel 2008 júl. 07. - 18:35:23 10/10
sarahangel 2008 júl. 07. - 15:30:16 10/10

Én egy részt sem láttam, csak azt tudom, hogy Joel Fleishman bácsi játszik benne (nem biztos, hogy jól írtam). ;)
könnycseppek 2008 júl. 07. - 14:23:27
Nahááát, most tudtam belenézni a videóba és rájöttem, hogy láttam ezt a részt és nagyon tetszett is a grafikus nõci ötletessége:-)
SWC-re viszont abszolút nem emlékeztem... mint nyilatkoztam azt korábban is:-)
sarahangel 2008 júl. 07. - 11:32:11 10/10
sarahangel 2008 júl. 07. - 11:31:26 10/10
sarahangel 2008 júl. 07. - 11:30:58 10/10
WB All Star Party - July 13, 2003

/Érdekes, én mindig azt hittem, hogy ez PB Partys kép! :O/
sarahangel 2008 júl. 07. - 11:27:53 10/10