Téma: Sherlock

galen 2013 dec. 23. - 20:39:16 10/10
hogy ez milyen szépséges...
galen 2013 dec. 23. - 20:23:09 10/10
Démétér456 2013 dec. 23. - 19:51:32 10/10
Azért lehetne valami jó kis izé már most is a BBC-n...
bruderlein 2013 dec. 23. - 19:08:54 10/10
Hmm.. eddig az volt a trend, h amikor updateltek a blogot, aznap volt video is a BBC-n... (de az is lehet, h az ehhez tartozo video update majd a minisode lesz, csak senki nem akarta karacsonykor updatelni a blogot :) )
Démétér456 2013 dec. 23. - 17:31:48 10/10
Szerintem lesz néhány fanart :)
Christine1 2013 dec. 23. - 17:11:51 10/10
Hehe, most akartam hozni!:) Szuperek! Megnéztem volna Sherlockot bohócnak öltözve!:)
Démétér456 2013 dec. 23. - 17:05:12 10/10
Egy halom új bejegyzés John blogján! http://www.johnwatsonblog.co.uk/
bruderlein 2013 dec. 23. - 12:54:22 10/10
Mai Sherlock idezet:

SH: Phone Lestrade, tell him there's an escaped rabbit.
JW: You serious?
SH: It's this or Cluedo.
JW: Ah, no. We are never playing that again.
SH: Why not?
JW: Because it's not actually possible for the victim to have done it, Sherlock, that's why!
SH: It was the only possible solution!
JW: It's not in the rules.
SH: Well then the rules are wrong!
bruderlein 2013 dec. 23. - 00:44:44 10/10
es a 2. kep:
bruderlein 2013 dec. 23. - 00:44:10 10/10
Vigasztalasul egy ari Benedict sztori, amit most olvastam :) (ld a csatolt kepet illusztralaskent, illetve a kovetkezo kepet a masodik felehez illusztralaskent:
(Erudite, impolite, shirt is too tight: Sherlock fb oldalrol)
In 2011 (1st pic) Benedict sang carols with Dan Stevens for The Story of Christmas Appeal fundraiser in St. George's on Hanover Square; in 2012 (2nd pic), he did a reading (..."'Twas the Night Before Christmas," if I remember right). He was listed then as a Vice President on the Story of Christmas Appeal's board.
bruderlein 2013 dec. 23. - 00:42:33 10/10
Orulok, h tetszenek :) az egyebkent meg durvabb, h idonkent fejbol irom oket... (csak amikor hosszuak, es nem vagyok biztos 1-2 kotoszoban, olyankor szoktam lecsekkolni...) :)

A cigis sztori eleg gaz.. de sajnos nem ritka eset... en bevallom kb feladtam, h barkire raszoljak, mert szinte lehetetlen jol kijonni belole... a korulotted allok meg csak bamulnak, de ha egyet ertenek is veled, akkor sem mondanak semmit...
bruderlein 2013 dec. 22. - 21:50:02 10/10
Mai Sherlock idezet:

SH: Oh John, I envy you so much.
JW: You envy me?
SH: Your mind; it's so placid, straight-forward, barely used. Mine's like an engine, racing out of control; a rocket tearing itself to pieces, trapped on the launchpad... I need a case!
JW: You just solved one! By harpooning a dead pig, apparently.
SH: Oh, that was this morning. When's the next one?
galen 2013 dec. 22. - 20:05:51 10/10
galen 2013 dec. 22. - 19:52:09 10/10
hát Jim..ezt elszúrtad...
galen 2013 dec. 22. - 19:36:45 10/10
galen 2013 dec. 22. - 19:24:17 10/10
mai kép, bocs kicsit megkésve...
galen 2013 dec. 22. - 19:06:10 10/10
galen 2013 dec. 22. - 19:01:21 10/10
“Benedict is this sort of beautiful, exotic creature. He’s never going to play an ordinary man, ‘cause he couldn’t. That’s not what he’s like, but he will tell the stories of great men. “Whereas I think Martin Freeman does the exact opposite: he makes ordinary people fascinating. He finds the poetry in just being ordinary, and that’s an extraordinary, exquisite gift. He can tell the story of our lives and make it fascinating.””
Steven Moffat (Radio Times)
galen 2013 dec. 22. - 18:53:01 10/10

akkor számoljunk vissza, :P