bree-gee 2010 dec. 29. - 18:40:42 Előzmény sarahangel
Jelentem végignéztem, és nekem se tetszett a karakter, akit Sarah játszott. Egész jó volt, ha a zombikat leszámítjuk :D
STEPHANIE 17 2010 dec. 25. - 14:11:08
Mindenkinek Kellemes Karácsonyt kívánok!!!
sarahangel 2010 dec. 24. - 12:43:36 10/10
Boldog karácsonyt, Sarah! :-)
sarahangel 2010 dec. 18. - 15:47:16 10/10
<- TWD BTS 2.

Tök jóóó ez a kép! :D;)
sarahangel 2010 dec. 18. - 15:45:28 10/10
<- TWD BTS 1.

Sarah a sorozatbeli kisfiával. :)
sarahangel 2010 dec. 18. - 15:44:09 10/10
<- TWD 1x06 stills 4.
sarahangel 2010 dec. 18. - 15:43:06 10/10
<- TWD 1x06 stills 3.
sarahangel 2010 dec. 18. - 15:41:58 10/10
<- TWD 1x06 stills 2.
sarahangel 2010 dec. 18. - 15:40:45 10/10
<- TWD 1x06 stills 1.
sarahangel 2010 dec. 18. - 15:38:42 10/10
<- TWD 1x05 promo kép
sarahangel 2010 dec. 18. - 15:34:00 10/10 Előzmény xyz1
De helyes ezen a képen, félretûzött hajjal. ;)

Köszi az interjút!

(Az elõzõ képet persze nekem sem tette be. :S)
sarahangel 2010 dec. 18. - 15:33:01 10/10 Előzmény xyz1
Megpróbálom én is betenni a képet (ezért a képért kár lenne, ha nem látszana :D). Egy másik oldalról mentettem le; ha így sem sikerül, akkor sajnos nem szereti a port. :S Remélem, hogy lesz majd HQ-ban is.

Az interjúból egyébként nem sokat értek (csak annyit, hogy megosztja velünk, hogy mitõl olyan fitt ;)).
sarahangel 2010 dec. 18. - 15:21:55 10/10 Előzmény xyz1
De jó, hogy feltetted a képeket, köszi! :) Én múltkor a melóhelyrõl lopóztam fel Sarah oldalára, és akkor láttam, hogy van friss (mire ideértem, addigra meg már itt vártak a képek - tök jó!). Mostanában kicsit úgyis le vagyok maradva képezés terén (pl. TWD képkockákkal), de majd bepótolom valamikor. ;)

Sarah olyan itt, mint egy filmsztár (retro-stílusban ;)).

Elõször azt hittem egyébként, hogy a Black Gold premierjén készültek a képek, de úgy látszik, arra még várni kell. ;)
sarahangel 2010 dec. 18. - 15:14:09 10/10
Nagyon szívesen! :)
Az 'elkapkodásra' nem figyeltem fel; szerintem is jó lett a dal (elsõre egy kicsit kételkedtem benne, hogy ez tényleg Sarah lenne, de jobban megfigyelve van, ahol 'sarah-s' a hangszíne;)).
xyz1 2010 dec. 15. - 22:23:31
"Sarah in Dubai"

Callies is here as a guest of the Dubai International Film Festival and walked the red carpet on Sunday for the opening screening of The King's Speech. She's had roles in two of America's biggest series but Sarah Wayne Callies says even a Hollywood actress can feel out of place on occasion.
"The events I've been a part of here in Dubai have been some of the most formal that I've ever attended," said the actress most famous for her role as Doctor Sarah Tancredi in Prison Break.
"Even a cocktail party last night was arguably just as formal as the Golden Globes. I felt massively under-dressed and was sort of a little mortified by it," she said.
"There is a style and a class to the culture here. But at the same time so much of the business I've seen is conducted outside, in a tent, leaning back on pillows. It feels like a place that has some ease to it."
After playing Wentworth Miller's love interest in Prison Break, Callies took on the role of Lori Grimes in the hugely popular The Walking Dead.

Callies is here as a guest of the Dubai International Film Festival and walked the red carpet on Sunday for the opening screening of The King's Speech.

hosszabban :
xyz1 2010 dec. 15. - 22:21:56
Sarah for MensHealth UK

The super-fit Prison Break star shares training tips

1. Cook up ‘poutine’ next time you have a hangover
It’s basically chips with beef gravy and cheese curds. And because it’s essentially fat and salt it’s miraculous. Seriously, French-Canadians swear by it.

2. Once an hour, every hour, drop for 20
A good press-up works so many muscles. I know a champion kickboxer who said this routine got him in better shape, faster, than when he was in serious training for fights.

3. Take propolis for super strength
We live next to a beekeeper, so I take a lot of this – it’s a natural resin that really helps your immune system. Take a couple of drops in water to feel instantly upbeat.

4. Get Spartan with your training
I met a few of the stuntmen from 300. Their secret was to do four different exercises like squat jumps, skipping, press-ups and the plank as many times as they could in 30 minutes.

5. Eat whatever you want until lunch
You’ll burn it off quickly, and morning’s the time of day when you’ll need the energy the most. It’s only after lunch you should begin watching what you eat.

6. Don’t hit repeat at the gym
Boredom is death when it comes to exercise. Mix it up with Pilates. It’s great for your core and there’s so much going on physically that your mind doesn’t wander.

7. Sniff yourself calm
Lavender is a proven relaxant. So find a few minutes each day, take some deep breaths and waft a little bit under your nose. I keep a jar of lavender oil in my pocket at all times.

nem akarja betenni a képet jajjj :
xyz1 2010 dec. 15. - 22:20:55 Előzmény xyz1
The super-fit Prison Break star shares training tips

1. Cook up ‘poutine’ next time you have a hangover
It’s basically chips with beef gravy and cheese curds. And because it’s essentially fat and salt it’s miraculous. Seriously, French-Canadians swear by it.

2. Once an hour, every hour, drop for 20
A good press-up works so many muscles. I know a champion kickboxer who said this routine got him in better shape, faster, than when he was in serious training for fights.

3. Take propolis for super strength
We live next to a beekeeper, so I take a lot of this – it’s a natural resin that really helps your immune system. Take a couple of drops in water to feel instantly upbeat.

4. Get Spartan with your training
I met a few of the stuntmen from 300. Their secret was to do four different exercises like squat jumps, skipping, press-ups and the plank as many times as they could in 30 minutes.

5. Eat whatever you want until lunch
You’ll burn it off quickly, and morning’s the time of day when you’ll need the energy the most. It’s only after lunch you should begin watching what you eat.

6. Don’t hit repeat at the gym
Boredom is death when it comes to exercise. Mix it up with Pilates. It’s great for your core and there’s so much going on physically that your mind doesn’t wander.

7. Sniff yourself calm
Lavender is a proven relaxant. So find a few minutes each day, take some deep breaths and waft a little bit under your nose. I keep a jar of lavender oil in my pocket at all times.
STEPHANIE 17 2010 dec. 15. - 17:07:42
Nagyon jóóóó képek! Köszi!!!
xyz1 2010 dec. 14. - 20:38:04
xyz1 2010 dec. 14. - 20:37:40