Secret Lives of the Super Rich / A Dreamy Desert Mansion & Sexy Lingerie Made Of Gold

amerikai életmódmagazin, 30 perc

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9:30, szombat (január 25.)

0:00, vasárnap (január 26.)

8:00, vasárnap (január 26.)

Az aktuális rész ismertetője: Have your breath taken away by a desert mansion inspired by a pricey passion for Morocco that includes three infinity pools and a $1M automatic sunroof. Take a revealing look at a sexy photo shoot where models show off lingerie made of gold. Be mesmerized by the $18M watch covered in over 260 carats in diamonds. Meet the billionaire heiress with tattoos worth more than a million bucks. Lose yourself in paradise inside the most expensive mega home in Hawaii. Plus get behind the wheel of the most expensive Porsche, be wowed by the smallest Ferrari and check out the rare Bentley that includes a test drive in the sky.


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