Téma: Alkonyat

Sophie27 2009 márc. 17. - 20:25:21
Én ezeket észre sem veszem,átugrom mintha ott sem lenne:)
dzsinidzsoni 2009 márc. 17. - 20:24:20 10/10
én csak kisördög vok xP aki szereti a 6ost:D
Les 2009 márc. 17. - 20:23:25 10/10
Sicc innen!
Les 2009 márc. 17. - 20:23:03 10/10
én inkább 66.600, három hatos ez már sátán...
Jön A gonosz vámpír... xD
dzsinidzsoni 2009 márc. 17. - 20:21:52 10/10
a 66666ra gyúrok:P szal ha valaki azt elhappolja...xD
dzsinidzsoni 2009 márc. 17. - 20:20:23 10/10
nekem a 17 a második:)
Les 2009 márc. 17. - 20:20:08 10/10
jó neked. xD tényleg hatos a kedvenced. Ha jön a 66.000, mindenképpen tiéd lesz. :)
Sophie27 2009 márc. 17. - 20:19:18
Nekem teljesen szûz volt:D

Valószínûleg ezért volt aránylag olcsó.
dzsinidzsoni 2009 márc. 17. - 20:19:00 10/10
meg hatodikban 60. lettem matekversenyen xD nyolcadikban meg összesen 66 pontom lett uanazon a versenyen xD
Les 2009 márc. 17. - 20:17:47 10/10
ez a második kedvenc számom. harmadik 9. :)
dzsinidzsoni 2009 márc. 17. - 20:16:43 10/10
nekem a 6 a kedvencem:D a 6.hónapban születtem, 6án estefelé hat óra után:D
és általában ezzel a számmal mindig szerencsém van:)
Les 2009 márc. 17. - 20:14:39 10/10
Nem meséltem nektek, ma nyertem a tombolát és kaptam Svejk címû könyvet. ÉS kék 27-es számot húztam. Nagyon szerencsés vagyok. :)
27 a kedvenc számom mert jún 27-én van a névnapom. 27 díjam(sakk) van. Sok 27esem van. :)
Ezért 27 a kedvenc számom.
dzsinidzsoni 2009 márc. 17. - 20:14:29 10/10
nemtom mansonnal hogy álltok,de ez témába vágó szám ^^
dzsinidzsoni 2009 márc. 17. - 20:12:43 10/10
akkor itt az ideje,h beinduljon a fóórum:DD
Les 2009 márc. 17. - 20:11:29 10/10
én akarok! mert 27-es kedvenc számom. :) Légyszi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dzsinidzsoni 2009 márc. 17. - 20:04:06 10/10
ha ma elakarjuk érni a 27000-et akkor itt az ideje:P
dzsinidzsoni 2009 márc. 17. - 20:00:40 10/10

BY, én mult héten rendeztem el és most megint káosz van xD :D
BabaYaga 2009 márc. 17. - 19:57:49 10/10
Jaj, és most jut eszembe... Segítsetek plíz egy linkkel, ahonnan letölthetem azt a bizonyos vicces, kérdezz-felelek videót, amit Kristen és Rob játszottak, mikor (talán) tavaly Franciaországban voltak! A "mit nem szeretsz a melletted ülõ emberben?... stb." - féle videóra gondolok...
Hmmm? :)
dzsinidzsoni 2009 márc. 17. - 19:57:03 10/10
jól látod:D xD
Les 2009 márc. 17. - 19:55:40 10/10
Amúgy sziasztok!



Drew Barrymore has missed out on the chance to make the third Twilight movie - Spanish filmmaker Juan Antonio Bayona has been signed on to direct the bloodsucking teen thriller.

Earlier this week, Barrymore revealed she was on a shortlist to take over the franchise after this year's sequel New Moon, having impressed movie bosses with her directorial debut Whip It!.

She said, "I'm one of the directors that is being talked about, which is great, because I'm a director now."

But Bayona - whose previous credits include The Orphanage - has been chosen instead, reports UsMagazine.com.

Catherine Hardwicke directed the hugely successful first movie and Chris Weitz is onboard to helm this year's sequel. The third movie is expected to hit movie theatres in 2010.

Pattinson Panicked At Twilight Premiere

Robert Pattinson was so overcome with nerves at the Los Angeles premiere of Twilight, he suffered a panic attack after watching the first ten minutes of the vampire thriller.

The actor has never seen a single one of his movies - and couldn't watch much past the blockbuster's opening credits without feeling a rush of anxiety.

He tells the new issue of GQ magazine, "I went out and sat in the car, having a full-blown panic attack."

But the 22-year-old won't have to sit through too many more premieres in the future - because he plans to be picky about the film roles he accepts.

He adds: "(I'm) not massively concerned about doing lots of acting jobs. If it all just went, right now, I'd be like, 'All right. I don't really care. That's probably a stupid thing to say. But I don't, really. I think it'd be much worse to do a load of stuff (movies) that’s really bad."

Actor Robert Pattinson was wracked with nerves while filming a gay sex scene for new Salvador Dali biopic Little Ashes - because the entire crew was watching, including a group of workmen.

The Twilight hunk portrays the Spanish surrealist artist in the forthcoming movie, but admits the toughest part of the job was having to strip off for the intimate tryst on an open set.

He tells GQ magazine, "(The hardest part was) trying to do it doggie-style. Trying to have a nervous breakdown while doing it doggie-style. And it wasn’t even a closed set. There were all these Spanish electricians giggling to themselves.”

The project is one of three Dali biopics in the works. Al Pacino will play the artist in Dali & I: The Surrealist Story, while Antonio Banderas is set to star in another tribute film.

Dakota Fanning will star as a bloodsucking vampire in the Twilight sequel New Moon.

The teenage actress has been at the centre of fevered speculation in recent months as internet reports claim she has been offered a role opposite Kristen Stewart and brooding Brit Rob Pattinson in the movie.

And now film bosses have confirmed the news to Access Hollywood - Fanning will play the role of Jane, a member of the Italian Volturi vampires in the sequel.

Filming on New Moon is scheduled to begin in Italy this spring.

Fans of the Twilight vampire movie franchise really have something to sink their teeth into - the film's star is counting on three sequels.

Actress Kristen Stewart has dismissed reports she's already tiring of playing Bella in the movie adaptation of Stephenie Meyer's hit book series - in fact she's in it for the long haul.

She tells Eonline.com, "We all really hope there is going to be a number four. I'm pretty confident that the fans aren’t going to, all of a sudden, lose interest.

"The only case that a fourth one wouldn’t be made is if all of a sudden people stopped caring, and I really don't think that's going to happen."

Stewart is currently preparing to start work on the Twilight sequel New Moon later this year.

Ennyit találtam, ezek még frissek. Ha valaki haosnló híreket tette be akkor ezer bocsánat!