Göndör László, Katona Éva and Bíborszalon present: Living the Dream with Grandma

előadás, 2022.

Még nincs szavazat!

Légy te az első!

„- How important is feedback in your life?
- I do my job, and if it's something, they'll notice.
- And if they don't?
- Well, yes, and if they don't. Now, give me that gingerbread.”

In the middle of the quarantine period, I decided to move in with my grandmother. She is 97, I am 35. I wanted to meet the adored and idealized woman, to face our relationship and through it, ultimately, myself.

Over the 32 days we spent together, the apartment softly turned into the scene of an unusual party: excellent food and quality champagne appeared out of the blue, there was some expensive jewellery, a mysterious man singing a song from afar, the Virgin Mary lighting up the shelf next to Lenin, crows arriving, the first snow falling, and us, for some reason, wearing masks.

Somoskövi Bence és Nagy Botond – hangmesterek

Lengyel Ákos Papa – technikus

Láng Alexandra - hang- és videóvágó, koncepció
Bartha Máté – dokumentumfilmes anyagok rendezése, operálása

Ördög Tamás – külső konzulens
Horváth Lili Olga – pszichológus konzulens, koncepció
Szakács Zsuzsi – produkciós asszisztens

Bemutató időpontja:

2022. november 21.,

