Stories from Hungary

2020. április 22. (szerda) 19:00 Három Holló Kávéház 1052 Budapest, V. kerület, Piarista köz 1.
2020. április 22. (szerda) 19:00 Három Holló Kávéház 1052 Budapest, V. kerület, Piarista köz 1.

Would you like to know what people really think?  What people really feel? Ask a question you get a rational answer. Ask them to create a story in a space and from fantasy and emotion you get a picture.
5 spaces, 5 events, random audiences, we provided the scaffolding of the story, they filled it in with their fantasies. We filmed it and on April 1st we will share our insights into the stories. Watch highlights, get insights and begin to feel what is happening