Amerika legkapzsibb bűnözői / Cocaine cash cleaner / Inside trading trio

American Greed / Cocaine cash cleaner / Inside trading trio
14 éven alul nem ajánlott amerikai dokumentumfilm sorozat, I / 89. rész, 60 perc


2 szavazatból


2 szavazatból
8:00, szombat (március 01.)

11:00, szombat (március 01.)

17:00, szombat (március 01.)

Az aktuális rész ismertetője: Three friends came to New York to make money and realize their dreams, but those dreams quickly turned criminal. One, a lawyer, had access to crucial inside information on giant mergers and acquisitions. Another agreed to act as middleman delivering confidential information to the third crook who traded with the secrets before the deals went public. Together the trio raked in thousands, then millions, in an insider trading scheme that eluded authorities for almost 20 years. / Garry Souffrant seemed to have the American dream—he owned a big house, his kids played Little League, he drove fancy cars and he had a side job as a realtor. A series of brutal murders that involved Miami's toughest cocaine traffickers seemed to have no connection to him given his idyllic suburban life. But the drug money trail led to Souffrant. He worked for the dealers in an intricate plot to launder cash through his real estate business while he took a big cut for himself. For years, he lined his pockets with dirty money--until the dealers got busted. And he ran out of their money.

A műsor ismertetése: Troy Titus pénzügyi gurunak adta ki magát, aki gazdagságot ígért ügyfeleinek. Valójában azonban egy piramisjátékkal csalta ki a pénzüket. Miért volt ellenállhatatlan?
Stephen Trantel férj, apa - és bankrabló. Brókerként sok százezer dollárt keresett, de miután elvesztette az állását, kétségbeesésében bűnözőnek állt.



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