Téma: Dr. Csont

contra55 2010 aug. 18. - 19:52:08
Sziasztok! A tegnapi rész nagyon jó volt, igaz nem elõször látom már.
Tgirl 2010 aug. 18. - 18:33:39 10/10

Légyszi írjátok le mi van ebben a videóban mert nekem nem indul el.
Tgirl 2010 aug. 18. - 18:30:02 10/10
Tgirl 2010 aug. 18. - 18:28:20 10/10
Tgirl 2010 aug. 18. - 18:27:11 10/10
Tgirl 2010 aug. 18. - 18:26:18 10/10
Tgirl 2010 aug. 18. - 18:25:39 10/10
Tgirl 2010 aug. 18. - 18:19:51 10/10
Tgirl 2010 aug. 18. - 18:19:05 10/10
Tgirl 2010 aug. 18. - 18:18:17 10/10
Tgirl 2010 aug. 18. - 18:13:12 10/10
Caroline-t én is láttam más sorozatokban, télleg vicces:)

Remélem Zackrõl kiderül hogy nem is ölt ember...:O:S
(Csak Sweets tudja ugye?)
Tgirl 2010 aug. 18. - 18:08:53 10/10
Á hello na csak el kellett mennem dolgozni és beindul a fórum:D

Ezek az új képek igen viccesek, mi az a lepusztult erkély?:S Emilynek az az arckifejezése:D

Megint beírom a fanficet ha tetszést aratott, tényleg jó és nincs teli olyan résszel, és egészen sorozathû.


zora 2010 aug. 18. - 17:58:42 10/10
...és mivel a 4x08 nov. 12-én lett vetitve, ezért Booth születési dätuma: 1971 nov. 12. Tempe mondta, hogy közöttük 5 év van. Ja, ezzel az idöugrässal eléggé el fogjäk tolni valami logikätlan iränyba a dolgokat. Egyedül a Parkert jätszo kisfiu kerül közelebb a valodi korähoz. ...azért öt mondom, mert gyereknél a legszembetünöbb.
zora 2010 aug. 18. - 17:53:39 10/10
De ha Tempe 15 volt, Russ pedig 19, akkor neki '72ben kellett születnie! Amugy tényleg hatalmas munka, kösz, hogy betetted!
pluhildi 2010 aug. 18. - 15:15:29 10/10
minden elismerésem annak aki ezt összerakta, én nem lettem volna rá képes
follia 2010 aug. 18. - 15:05:27 10/10
hû, valaki nagyon alapos volt...
pluhildi 2010 aug. 18. - 14:48:27 10/10
pardon bocsánat, jó nagy lett :)))
pluhildi 2010 aug. 18. - 14:47:43 10/10
ha már a dátumoknál tartottunk egy kis idõrendet találtam, remélem beteszi, és nem tolom el nagyon a fórumot, és egyébként még lehetne folytatni - ha valakinek van kedve


1948: Matthew Brennan’s birthday; pinpoints Max Keenan’s approximate age (59/60)

April 1948: Ruth Keenan’s birthday (as shown on tombstone)

1971: Kyle Keenan/Russ Brennan born

1976: Joy Keenan/Temperance Brennan born

Unknown Timeframe: Max and Ruth rob safety deposit boxes. Non-violent, use cons and case the locations prior to robbery, break in at night.

Unknown Timeframe: Max and Ruth become associated with strong-arm crew with ties to white supremacists and firearms.

1970’s: joint state-federal joint task force created to investigate bank robberies in Kentucky, Iowa and Ohio. ATF is represented by Marine sniper Robert Kirby. Suspects are code-named after explorers: Lewis, Clark, Cooke, Magellan and Columbus (Max). Special Agent Gus Harper reports to supervisor Garrett Delaney.

February, 1978: Gus Harper writes about conspiracy against Marvin Beckett.

June 25, 1978: Special Agent Augustus (Gus) Donald Harper is murdered, framing Marvin Beckett. There is one shot to the head from a .38 caliber Colt Detective Special and twice to the chest with rifle. Autopsy indicates that all three shots came from Colt.

July 2, 1978: Gus Harper’s funeral

July 4, 1978: robbery of Ohio Savings & Loan in Dayton, OH; 3 people killed (two bystanders, 1 state trooper), 7 people wounded. Ruth and Max obtain the contents of Gus Harper’s safety deposit box. Contents include more than a dozen audio tapes, notebooks and field notes implicating corruption and conspiracy to frame Marvin Beckett.

1978: McVicar at Keenan house; is seen by Kyle who is warned by father to take Joy are run and hide if he is seen again.

1978: Max tells Kyle that he is Russ; Ohio

1978: Max Keenan robs Piggly Wiggly grocery store in Carbondale, IL; uses napkins to wipe blood from face/head after being hit by clerk.

1978-1991: Keenan family goes underground and become Max, Christine, Russ and Temperance Brennan. Max is a high school science teacher. Christine is a bookkeeper that appears twice as a witness for the prosecution in tax evasion cases. Temperance attends Woodside Elementary.

1980: Russ hides behind door and scares Tempe who hits him with a Chatty Cathy doll; Christine tells Max that she is just like him.

December, 1991: While on Christmas shopping trip, Max and Christine are spotted by or spot McVicar; disappear leaving Russ and Tempe behind. At some point, they scrape the name of Tempe’s school (Woodside Elementary) from bumper sticker. Also at some point, they are attacked by McVicar with spring-load captive bolt stunner. Christine is wounded in head. McVicar is wounded on head. Three days after initial disappearance, car is located at rest stop in Chicago, 1000 mi from home, blood (McVicar’s and Christine’s) is on right front seat. Car is eventually taken to a federal impound lot.

December 25, 1991: Russ’ attempt to have Christmas for Temperance.

January, 1992: Russ leaves for the west coast and Temperance is placed into foster care.

1992: Christine makes videotape for Temperance.

September 22, 1993: Christine Brennan buys ticket for 9 p.m. showing of The Fugitive at the Rialto theater.

December, 1993: (approximate/based on dates on tombstone) Christine dies from subdural hematoma caused by McVicar’s attack and is buried at the Sunset Memories cemetery in Salisbury, PA by Max. She is buried with new shoes ticket stub, green glass marble and dolphin belt.

September, 1998: Christine’s remains are discovered by gravediggers at cemetery; remains are shipped to Jeffersonian where she becomes Jane Doe 129-0998.

1998: Temperance begins work at Jeffersonian.


-Christine’s remains are identified.

-Max leaves voice mail message warning Temperance to stop looking for him.

-McVicar is killed by Mitchell Downs at Alexandria Federal Holding Facility; assumed hit ordered by Max.

-Temperance finds silver dolphin at Christine’s grave.

-Silver dolphin left at Christine’s grave is traced by the FBI to an artist in Mead, CO. Kirby is alerted to Max’s location.

-Garrett Delaney threatens Max and his family if Harper’s notes are not turned over. Delaney is stalking Russ. At some point, Max contacts Russ.

-Max murders Garrett Delaney with gunshot wound to the head. Places page from Harper’s notebook and Columbus coin in Delaney’s mouth. Body is gutted and burned on top of hotel used to house witnesses.

-Russ visits to warn Brennan.

-Max re-enters Brennan’s life as Father Toby Coulter (sp?). Russ is aware of identity having previously been warned of danger by Max.

-Gus Harper is exhumed and Marvin Beckett is cleared and released.

-Sniper takes shot at Booth and Russ at Royal Diner.

-Kirby places Booth on suspension after meeting with Attorney General.

-Max kills Kirby at Brennan’s apartment in apparent effort to protect Russ.

-Max reveals identity to Brennan and provides her with key to safety deposit box containing Harper’s evidence. Escapes with Russ after handcuffing Brennan to bench and destroying Booth’s borrowed car.

-Max disposes of body using same method and location as Garrett Delaney.
zora 2010 aug. 18. - 14:46:12 10/10
Igen! De mielött megsütöd, inkäbb egész éjszaka hagyd szäradni, ne csak pär orät. Ja, 90 percig 170 fokon, és a sütöben hagyd kihülni. Kb. 4 ora. Itthon van 5 ilyen bögrém, mikroban, mosogatoban simän elvannak. Es mär lassan egy éve.
pluhildi 2010 aug. 18. - 14:42:37 10/10
a twitteren meg lehet próbálni az oltogatást, én egyszer megpróbáltam de azt sem tudom eljutott-e hozzá a kérdésem
(akkor azt akartam tudni, lesz-e a 6. évadban egy jó kis 'undercover mission')
választ nem kaptam, bár az utóbbi hetekben nem mentem fel így nem vagyok full update