Melissa Barrera

Film: 4 db
Cikkek: 3 db

Film (4)

  • 2024
    Abigail 6.2 színész színész (amerikai horror, 110 perc, 2024)
  • 2023
    Sikoly VI. 5.9 színész színész (amerikai horror, thriller, 123 perc, 2023)
  • 2022
    Sikoly 5 6.2 színész színész (amerikai horror, 114 perc, 2022)
  • 2014
    Elfeledett szerelem 5.6 színész színész (mexikói romantikus sorozat, 2014)


buncow 2023 nov. 23. - 00:58:57
Ok, nem cidázott, gondolom akkor a diverzitás, covid, és a Sötétség leple című film segített rajta, hogy meghallgatás nélkül megkapja a szerepet. Mákja volt, mert úgy tűnik kb. mindegy volt ki játsza a főszerepet. Szégyen. Pedig a Sötétség leple egy baromi jó film.
During the chat, they asked Barrera for a horror movie that scared and scarred her most. In hindsight, one can view her answer to that question as the stars starting to align.

“I didn’t remember the title of the movie, but I remembered that it was about a tooth fairy, a scary tooth fairy. And at the time when I watched it, my room was in a mezzanine and the creature would fly up and through the window, you could see it and it was a dementor type of creature. And so I remember describing that and they all start laughing and I’m like, ‘What’s going on?’ And they were like, ‘Is it, Darkness Falls?’ And I was like, ‘Yes! That’s it! That’s the movie that traumatized me!’ Jamie was like, ‘That’s the first movie that I wrote.’ And William was like, ‘That’s the first movie that I produced.’”

Yes, that moment marked a huge and very exciting first for Barrera, but she admitted that receiving an offer without an audition can also spark some doubt. She explained:

“In that moment I was so happy and so relieved that I didn’t have to audition, but I was also petrified because I was like, now when I show up and they see me act, what if they hate me and they fire me on the spot? It was just a whole mix of emotions. And then I had to do a Zoom audition with Jenna [Ortega]. They were casting someone to play my sister and they had a few actresses and I had to read with them, and I considered that my audition as well and I just bombed. I just felt like I sucked. I was like, ‘They are for sure gonna fire me after this.’ And they didn’t, thank god!”
buncow 2023 nov. 23. - 00:39:00
Valakit lecidázhatott, hogy ebből a jellegtelen antitalentumból főszereplő lehetett, főleg zéró tapasztalattal ahogy elnézem. Szerencsére Mrs. Fapofát ezennel kipicsázták, mégha nem is azért, amiért kellett volna.