Téma: Eliza Dushku

zs9302 2010 febr. 21. - 08:10:23 10/10
Én ma az Open Gravest szeretném megnézni.
duckshoot 2010 febr. 20. - 21:15:51 10/10
Nem is lep meg. Magyarország én így szeretlek.
zs9302 2010 febr. 20. - 19:36:23 10/10 Előzmény duckshoot
Szerintem nem.
duckshoot 2010 febr. 20. - 11:14:34 10/10
Ez durva.
duckshoot 2010 febr. 20. - 11:10:08 10/10
duckshoot 2010 febr. 20. - 11:08:51 10/10
duckshoot 2010 febr. 20. - 11:05:45 10/10
duckshoot 2010 febr. 20. - 11:04:05 10/10
duckshoot 2010 febr. 18. - 20:25:48 10/10
Nekem is kell jutnom egy ilyen halloween partira.
zs9302 2010 febr. 18. - 16:30:09 10/10
de most sem emlékszem valamiért LOL
duckshoot 2010 febr. 18. - 11:31:52 10/10
Magát a jelentet is megnézheted, ha az is elég.
zs9302 2010 febr. 18. - 05:35:17 10/10
megvan dvd-n valahol, majd megnézem
duckshoot 2010 febr. 17. - 22:06:58 10/10
The article image was found by MTV back in June of this year. The lovely lady in the fan-made posters is none other than Eliza Dushku, a past fan favorite for the role of Felicia Hardy/Black Cat.

According to MTV, Dushku was a favorite among fans way back before Spider-man 3 came out, enough for someone to create a few posters for Spider-man 4.

I’ve heard a few grumblings of support for the actress to play Black Cat in the comments recently so why not add her to the ever growing list of candidates for the part? Dushku has heard the rumors of support and earlier this year, she addressed the rumors in an interview with MTV. Continue with this article to see what she had to say.

“Don’t you love the Internet and the fans out there?” Dushku said while addressing the fan-made posters. “They do it up!”

Even though she isn’t officially in the running for the role right now she asked the interviewer if they would want to see her play the role of Black Cat.

“Would you like to see me not just superimposed, but as Black Cat?”

Of course the guy said yes so she responded with, “Okay, well, tell your friends – write a letter.”

It’s interesting she wold like to play Felicia Hardy in Spider-man 4. Dushku is very vocal and outspoken when there’s news surrounding a role she wants.

Earlier this year we heard her petition for the role of Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow in the Iron Man 2. That eventually lead to nothing and next May, we get to see Scarlett Johansson as the sexy Russian spy.

If Dushku were to get the part, I really wouldn’t have a problem with it but if the recent rumors are true, it sounds like they’re going in a different direction for the part. With actresses like Anne Hathaway, Rachel McAdams and Julia Stiles rumored to be up for the role, it would be the biggest underdog story of the year if Duskhu were somehow cast. I’m not saying it’s impossible, just unlikely.
duckshoot 2010 febr. 17. - 21:58:58 10/10
Eliza Dushku appeared on the Howard Stern Show on Sirius/XM Radio this morning to promote her new television show Dollhouse. Things got interesting when the topic of conversation went to Robert Downey Jr and Iron Man. Dushku explained that she would love to play The Black Widow in Iron Man 2.
Érdekes lett volna :(
duckshoot 2010 febr. 17. - 21:45:35 10/10
Akkor meg kell nézned.
duckshoot 2010 febr. 17. - 21:31:04 10/10
Óriásit csalódtam benned zsé :)
zs9302 2010 febr. 17. - 21:24:30 10/10
erre a jelenetre nem emlékszem :D
zs9302 2010 febr. 17. - 21:24:05 10/10
duckshoot 2010 febr. 17. - 21:21:19 10/10
Nem? Neked nem tetszenek a kis cheerleader-ek? :)
zs9302 2010 febr. 17. - 20:29:57 10/10