Az aktuális rész ismertetője: The further kalands of the time traveling alien kalandr and his companions. The Doctor attempts to rescue a boy on a battlefield, but upon discovering that the boy is a young Davros, abandons him. Colony Sarff, a creature composed of snakes, searches for the Doctor in various locations, including the planet Karn and the Shadow Proclamation headquarters (""The Stolen Earth""). On Earth, Clara is summoned by UNIT when all of the world's aircraft freeze in the sky, and they discover Missy is causing the phenomenon. Missy has the last will and testament of the Doctor, and tells Clara that they must search for him. They trace him to Essex in 1138, where he has spent three weeks having a party. When Clara and Missy reunite with the Doctor, Sarff arrives and explains that the elderly Davros wishes to see the Doctor, before taking the three to a hospital ship. Clara and Missy discover the ship is a building on an invisible planet, but as the landscape reappears, Missy identifies the planet as Skaro. They are captured by the Daleks, who appear to kill them and destroy the TARDIS. The Doctor returns to the battlefield, holding a Dalek weapon, apparently preparing to kill the younger Davros.
A műsor ismertetése: Rose Tyler véres, megmagyarázhatatlan események tanúja lesz, azonban felbukkan egy rejtélyes férfi - aki magát nemes egyszerűséggel Doktornak nevezi - és aki nem csak őt menti meg. Rose rövid időn belül egy lázas és mozgalmas csata közepén találja magát, ahol a tét nem más, mint a Föld és az emberiség megmentése.