Az aktuális rész ismertetője: Using Dalek energy, Missy was able to power her teleporter for her and Clara to escape. The two attempt to find the Doctor, going through the sewers, which are filled with decaying Daleks. They successfully kill a Dalek and empty its case to disguise Clara inside of it. Meanwhile, Davros tells the Doctor he wishes to heal him, and asks the Doctor if he is a good man. The Doctor comforts Davros, and the two begin to bond. Feeling compassion for him, the Doctor uses a little regeneration energy to power Davros' life support, which is also connected to every Dalek. This turns out to be a trap, and begins draining the Doctor to regenerate Davros and the Daleks. Missy saves the Doctor, and the energy also restores the dying Daleks, who wish to destroy the functional Daleks. While escaping, the Doctor and Missy encounter Clara's Dalek. Missy tries to trick the Doctor into killing her, but fails and escapes. The Doctor then returns to the battlefield, where he doesn't kill Davros, but destroys the mines to free him and then helps the young Davros home.
A műsor ismertetése: Rose Tyler véres, megmagyarázhatatlan események tanúja lesz, azonban felbukkan egy rejtélyes férfi - aki magát nemes egyszerűséggel Doktornak nevezi - és aki nem csak őt menti meg. Rose rövid időn belül egy lázas és mozgalmas csata közepén találja magát, ahol a tét nem más, mint a Föld és az emberiség megmentése.